Hailed as “stonking” by the U.K. Guardian! 😂
Guardian, Paget: The Met Orchestra/Nézet-Séguin review – white-hot music drama
“With supple support from Nézet-Séguin, [DiDonato] offered a fervently reflective reading of Dido’s patriotic call to arms, before the Royal Hunt and Storm broke out with blazing brass and a stonking three timpanists (Berlioz on typically grandiose form).”
Guardian, Paget: The Met Orchestra/Nézet-Séguin review – white-hot music drama
“With supple support from Nézet-Séguin, [DiDonato] offered a fervently reflective reading of Dido’s patriotic call to arms, before the Royal Hunt and Storm broke out with blazing brass and a stonking three timpanists (Berlioz on typically grandiose form).”
The Atlantic, Derek Thompson: What No One Understands About Your Job; Misconceptions about pastors, playwrights, postal workers, and other professionals (that’s me anonymously referenced at the end)
The Atlantic, Derek Thompson: What No One Understands About Your Job; Misconceptions about pastors, playwrights, postal workers, and other professionals (that’s me anonymously referenced at the end)
Interview with Lorenzo Marasso on “Dress Rehearsal,” 107.3 KBFG Seattle, Podcast Ep38
Interview with Lorenzo Marasso on “Dress Rehearsal,” 107.3 KBFG Seattle, Podcast Ep38
Gustavus Learning for Life Podcast, S09E04: “Forks in the Road and Kettledrums” [transcript]
Gustavus Learning for Life Podcast, S09E04: “Forks in the Road and Kettledrums” [transcript]

Deconstructing Timpani Excerpts Part 2: Strauss Burleske’s Hierarchical Elements of Musicianship
Deconstructing Timpani Excerpts Part 2: Strauss Burleske’s Hierarchical Elements of Musicianship
Deconstructing Timpani Excerpts Part 1: Beethoven 7’s Hierarchical Elements of Musicianship
Deconstructing Timpani Excerpts Part 1: Beethoven 7’s Hierarchical Elements of Musicianship
Adaptistration Shop Talk Video Podcast, S01E06: “The Need for Expertise”
Adaptistration Shop Talk Video Podcast, S01E06: “The Need for Expertise”
Inside the Notes, Season 3: Jason Haaheim on deliberate practice, pernicious gatekeepers, and the liberation of detachment
Inside the Notes, Season 3: Jason Haaheim on deliberate practice, pernicious gatekeepers, and the liberation of detachment
Contrabass Conversations Podcast, Part 2: “Do We Need Music School? …with Jason Haaheim”
Contrabass Conversations Podcast, Part 2: “Do We Need Music School? …with Jason Haaheim”
That’s Not Spit, It’s Condensation! Ep.78: “Deliberate Practice Is The Scientific Method Applied To Musicians – It’s Really That Simple, with Jason Haaheim”
That’s Not Spit, It’s Condensation! Ep.78: “Deliberate Practice Is The Scientific Method Applied To Musicians – It’s Really That Simple, with Jason Haaheim”
Adaptistration Shop Talk Video Podcast, S01E02, Part 2: “Last Call: Board Diversity”
Adaptistration Shop Talk Video Podcast, S01E02, Part 2: “Last Call: Board Diversity”
Adaptistration Shop Talk Video Podcast, S01E02, Part 1: “Art Has Always Been Political”
Adaptistration Shop Talk Video Podcast, S01E02, Part 1: “Art Has Always Been Political”
Contrabass Conversations Podcast, Part 1: “Jason Haaheim on How to Actually Improve”
Contrabass Conversations Podcast, Part 1: “Jason Haaheim on How to Actually Improve”
“A Scientist Turned Musician On The Need For Expertise In The COVID-Era,” from Adaptistration’s Drew McManus
“A Scientist Turned Musician On The Need For Expertise In The COVID-Era,” from Adaptistration’s Drew McManus
Bulletproof Musician Podcast, “Jason Haaheim: On ‘Deliberate Lessons’ and How to Maximize Your Progress From One Lesson to the Next,” with transcript
Bulletproof Musician Podcast, “Jason Haaheim: On ‘Deliberate Lessons’ and How to Maximize Your Progress From One Lesson to the Next,” with transcript
XPol podcast episode #8: “Delving Deeper into Deliberate Practice: Focused Practice in the Digital Age,” with transcript
XPol podcast episode #8: “Delving Deeper into Deliberate Practice: Focused Practice in the Digital Age,” with transcript
Instagram Live Simon G Show Interview
Instagram Live Simon G Show Interview
NPR Tiny Desk Concert with Joyce DiDonato
Civic Orchestra of Chicago alumni profile Q&A
Civic Orchestra of Chicago alumni profile Q&A
Mind Over Finger Podcast episode 12, “The Science, Power, & Joys of Deliberate Practice”
Mind Over Finger Podcast episode 12, “The Science, Power, & Joys of Deliberate Practice”
Bulletproof Musician Podcast, “Jason Haaheim: On Practice, Talent, Motivation, and Playing the ‘Long Game,'” with transcript
Bulletproof Musician Podcast, “Jason Haaheim: On Practice, Talent, Motivation, and Playing the ‘Long Game,'” with transcript
The Musicality Podcast episode 118, with Christopher Sutton
The Musicality Podcast episode 118, with Christopher Sutton
Pete’s Percussion Podcast episode 107, with Pete Zambito
Pete’s Percussion Podcast episode 107, with Pete Zambito
The Music of Star Trek Podcast, with Drew McManus, Bill Eddins, Rob Deemer, and Ceci Dadisman
The Music of Star Trek Podcast, with Drew McManus, Bill Eddins, Rob Deemer, and Ceci Dadisman
Gustavus Adolphus College: “Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Principal Timpanist Gives Back” blog post, detailing Gustie percussion scholarships
Gustavus Adolphus College: “Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Principal Timpanist Gives Back” blog post, detailing Gustie percussion scholarships
Bulletproof Musician: Creativity Sounds Important…but at the Elite Level, How Valuable Is It Really?
Bulletproof Musician: Creativity Sounds Important…but at the Elite Level, How Valuable Is It Really?
“Lab Coats and Mallets”, from Adaptistration’s Drew McManus
“Lab Coats and Mallets”, from Adaptistration’s Drew McManus
“Interpretation: A Sticky Situation,” MET Orchestra Musicians Interview
“Interpretation: A Sticky Situation,” MET Orchestra Musicians Interview
Sirius XM Met Opera Radio intermission interview with Mary Jo Heath
Sirius XM Met Opera Radio intermission interview with Mary Jo Heath
Do The Math, “The Most Bizarre of Operas,” review and essay by Ethan Iverson
Do The Math, “The Most Bizarre of Operas,” review and essay by Ethan Iverson
NPR Weekend Edition — “Meet The Nanotechnologist Behind The Timpani At The Met,” interview with Melissa Block
NPR Weekend Edition — “Meet The Nanotechnologist Behind The Timpani At The Met,” interview with Melissa Block
The Limit Does Not Exist Forbes Podcast Episode 48 — “Well-Documented Failure,” interview with Christina Wallace and Cate Scott Campbell
The Limit Does Not Exist Forbes Podcast Episode 48 — “Well-Documented Failure,” interview with Christina Wallace and Cate Scott Campbell
Brooklyn Reporter, “Troops at Brooklyn’s VA Hospital face the music of the Met”
Brooklyn Reporter, “Troops at Brooklyn’s VA Hospital face the music of the Met”
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, “Met brings classical music to Brooklyn veterans”
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, “Met brings classical music to Brooklyn veterans”
Brooklyn News 12, “MET Orchestra Musicians play live show for vets” (Video feature)
Brooklyn News 12, “MET Orchestra Musicians play live show for vets” (Video feature)
NY1 Spectrum News, “NYC Vets Enjoy World Class Met Performance” (Video Feature)
NY1 Spectrum News, “NYC Vets Enjoy World Class Met Performance” (Video Feature)
NY Daily News, “MET Orchestra performs for military veterans at NYC hospital”
NY Daily News, “MET Orchestra performs for military veterans at NYC hospital”
NY Daily News, “MET Orchestra to perform free of charge for ailing veterans”
NY Daily News, “MET Orchestra to perform free of charge for ailing veterans”
Do The Math, “Violins, Veils, Tears,” review and essay by Ethan Iverson
Do The Math, “Violins, Veils, Tears,” review and essay by Ethan Iverson
Metropolitan Opera Guild Podcast Episode 32, with Jessica Phillips, Billy Short, and Stuart Holt
Metropolitan Opera Guild Podcast Episode 32, with Jessica Phillips, Billy Short, and Stuart Holt
Do The Math, “Agamemnon Hears You,” review and essay by Ethan Iverson
Do The Math, “Agamemnon Hears You,” review and essay by Ethan Iverson
@Percussion Video Podcast Episode 39, with Casey Cangelosi, Megan Arns, Ben Charles, and Laurel Black
@Percussion Video Podcast Episode 39, with Casey Cangelosi, Megan Arns, Ben Charles, and Laurel Black
MET Orchestra Musicians Sunday Morning Cartoon by Emmanuelle Ayrton
MET Orchestra Musicians Sunday Morning Cartoon by Emmanuelle Ayrton
Do The Math, “Once a Rake, Always a Rake,” essay, photo-essay by Ethan Iverson
Do The Math, “Once a Rake, Always a Rake,” essay, photo-essay by Ethan Iverson
April Fools’ Day MET Orchestra Musicians Feature
April Fools’ Day MET Orchestra Musicians Feature
“Do What’s Rite for the Music — Le Sacre du BAD PLUS,” MET Orchestra Musicians Feature interview with Ethan Iverson of The Bad Plus
“Do What’s Rite for the Music — Le Sacre du BAD PLUS,” MET Orchestra Musicians Feature interview with Ethan Iverson of The Bad Plus
“Opera is Not the Norwegian Blue Parrot,” MET Orchestra Musicians Feature
“Opera is Not the Norwegian Blue Parrot,” MET Orchestra Musicians Feature
New York Times, “MET Orchestra’s Players Turn to Social Media”
New York Times, “MET Orchestra’s Players Turn to Social Media”
April Fools’ Day MET Orchestra Musicians Feature
April Fools’ Day MET Orchestra Musicians Feature
“Introducing Jason Haaheim,” MET Orchestra Musicians Interview
“Introducing Jason Haaheim,” MET Orchestra Musicians Interview
Gustavus Adolphus College: “Make Your Life Count” Feature Story, + Alumni Magazine Feature Story “Conquering Music and Science”
Gustavus Adolphus College: “Make Your Life Count” Feature Story, + Alumni Magazine Feature Story “Conquering Music and Science”
UC-Santa Barbara Daily Nexus: “American Pequod: The Great White Whale Continues to Elude Bush“
UC-Santa Barbara Daily Nexus: “American Pequod: The Great White Whale Continues to Elude Bush“
Gustavus Adolphus College MUS375: “Examining the Tradition of Borrowing in the Film Music of John Williams“
Gustavus Adolphus College MUS375: “Examining the Tradition of Borrowing in the Film Music of John Williams“